Logowith Chris Janke

Exercise Smarter, Not Harder

We Promote Steady And Consistent Progress Without The Aches And Pains, Excessive Soreness, Or Injury

Exercise Smarter, Not Harder

We Promote Steady And Consistent Progress Without The Aches And Pains, Excessive Soreness, Or Injury

Exercise Smarter, Not Harder

We Promote Steady And Consistent Progress Without The Aches And Pains, Excessive Soreness, Or Injury

Members Love This Program

💬 "I feel stronger, better range of motion." - Orville 💬 "We're just getting so much stronger." - Brandis 💬 "When you get done with a workout with Chris you feel amazing." - Amanda 💬 "I just appreciate working with Chris." - Melinda 💬 "Chris is a wonderful trainer, super knowledgeable." - Sue 💬 "The main benefit that I've received is that I'm feeling better." - Bill 💬 "I knew this program would help me." - Marcus 💬 "I'm more flexible and have less stiffness in the morning." - Mike

Swipe ➡️ to see these features ⤵️

This is more than an app

It's your connection to Best-In-Class Personal Training. 💪

Your personal coach is now in your pocket

Flexible On-Demand Workouts allow you to exercise on your schedule, whenever it suits you.

No equipment needed

Just your body weight and optional light dumbbells.

Dynamic Workout Routines

Whether you want to sculpt your body or lose fat, beginner or advanced level - there's something for everyone.

Flexible On-Demand Workouts

Exercise on your schedule, whenever it suits you.

Track your fitness journey like a pro

Easy performance tracking via weekly photos and intelligent analytics. Connect your favorite wearable device to the app, and never lose track of your progress.

Instant Messaging & Video Calls

Stay connected with me in real-time with messages and video calls. With photo, audio, video and document sharing supported right in the app, connect with me for just about anything, anytime.

Plans & Pricing

PROGRAM 1 - Full App Access

PROGRAM 1 - Full App Access

Transform your fitness journey with unlimited access to our diverse online video workout library, offering expert-guided sessions tailored to every fitness level, empowering you to achieve your goals anytime, anywhere.

Access to ALL Chris' programs, for back pain, nutrition, and workouts

Access to 3 new On Demand workouts per week

In-app communication with trainer

Nutrition tracking

PROGRAM 2 - PLUS Live Classes

PROGRAM 2 - PLUS Live Classes

Gain unlimited access to our comprehensive online video workout library, featuring a wide range of fitness routines tailored to your needs, with the ADDED BONUS of joining live classes, ensuring you stay motivated, accountable, and on track to achieve your fitness goals.

Everything in PROGRAM 1, plus...

Access to LIVE small group classes, Mon, Wed, and Fri

Regular progress check-ins

PROGRAM 3 - Customized Personal Training

PROGRAM 3 - Customized Personal Training

Experience transformative results in our online one-on-one fitness program, meticulously crafted to emphasize super strict form and core balance, ensuring precision in every movement and empowering you to achieve unparalleled strength and stability.

Everything in Program 1 and 2, plus...

Up to 5 scheduled check-ins with your trainer every week

Tailored and personalized exercise routines designed to meet individual fitness goals Customized workouts

Individualized meal plans crafted to align with specific dietary preferences and nutritional needs Customized meal planning

Continuous support and guidance from a dedicated trainer to ensure optimal results

Help! I Threw Out My Back

Help! I Threw Out My Back

Back pain can often be helped with gentle exercises and stretches. This book can help you to systematically strengthen, stretch, and balance your body. There are four total workouts in this book, each directed toward the ultimate goal of pain-free movement.

Pre-scheduled follow-along workouts

Based on the book, "Help I Threw Out My Back"

Four workouts, each getting more advanced as you're ready

for 3 Months
50% off PROGRAM 1 - Full App Access

50% off PROGRAM 1 - Full App Access

Transform your fitness journey with unlimited access to our diverse online video workout library, offering expert-guided sessions tailored to every fitness level, empowering you to achieve your goals anytime, anywhere.

Access to ALL Chris' programs, for back pain, nutrition, and workouts

Access to 3 new On Demand workouts per week

In-app communication with trainer

Nutrition tracking

for first month

Chris Janke

Your Personal Trainer

I've been passionately serving my clients for two decades, and I'm not slowing down any time soon. I've helped more than 1,000 people achieve their health and fitness goals. Men and women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s who want to be just as active as they were in their 20s. I have spent more than TWENTY years focusing on creating a training program that allows people to reach their goals WITHOUT extreme movements or crazy workouts. Instead, we use mostly body weight and light dumbbells. We focus on movements with a positive "risk-reward" ratio, thereby allowing you to achieve your goals without injury or setback. Your back and neck will thank you. - More than 30,000 personal training appointments over two decades of experience. - Not bootcamp, and NO PAIN. Just sensible, fun, and safe workouts. - I work with your biomechanics to help you achieve your goals without pain and injury. Now is the time to sign up!!

Chris Janke

Complete personalized fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalized Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customized Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Stay Connected With Your Trainer

Your trainer is just a text away. Make sure you achieve your goals.

Praise For Chris's Online Fitness Program

A no-nonsense approach to relieving back pain and strengthening the core. It takes you through a progression of 4 stages to ensure you address your back pain issues. Chris has an excellent understanding of how to get one's body in balance and builds one step at a time, according to each individual's readiness to progress to a higher level of strength.

Leslie A. Barr

Working with Chris has been the best addition ever to my extremely physical lifestyle. As a retired firefighter and athlete, my body needed help. Chris was able to find and correct so many imbalances and more importantly teach me exercises so that I can continue to improve and help myself. This program has the foundational exercises so that you can improve stability and strength and also continue to restore and maintain better posture.

Nancy DeMattei

Awesome, easy-to-follow and understand program! The exercises, which take only one-minute each, are simple, yet effective. Because the instructions are really clear and the pictures are nice and big, the exercises are easy to follow. Overall, it's a PERFECT program, especially for those of us who have so much going on in our lives, but still want to keep our body healthy and strong.

Amor Traceski

This program demonstrates the best exercises for improving back strength/posture. Easy to understand with pictures and good descriptions. These exercises have helped my back and posture. Improving my posture has given me more energy and helped me sleep better. I highly recommend this program!

Sue Butzoe

I love the easy-to-follow exercises that really do help your back and core!

Melinda Chapin

This great, straight-forward guide is perfect not only for people with back issues, but others - like myself - who are trying to transition from a sedentary to active lifestyle and gain in mobility and flexibility. I've used the Egoscue and Alexander methods with varying effects, but Chris's practices are a much more straight-forward and cost-effective way to regularize a routine in my life that helps me gain mobility. I've worked out with Chris one-on-one, and this book is the perfect way to continue my training with him on off days or when I'm away. It's detailed, and it uses both words and clear visuals to remind me exactly what specific areas and muscles should be holding or releasing as I undertake a stretch or exercise.

A. Kumar

Chris Janke helped me get through the worst knee and shoulder pain I've ever had. I played sports most of my life and I had no idea that my muscles were imbalanced and weaker in certain areas. Chris showed me how to correct my posture and balance my muscles. These exercises helped me get back into playing sports without pain and gave me the tools to correct my posture on my own. Thank you Chris Janke!

Aaron Bueno

Using this program I feel that I am in a session with Chris Janke. I have worked in person with him. I can literally hear his voice guiding me through the exercises and the reasons behind them. His youtube videos go into more detail if one needs that to make sure that proper form is followed or if modifications are needed.


This program is a life saver, especially for those who has back problems. Bring it with you when you’re traveling. It’s like a toothbrush in your bag. I love it so much that I’m going to stock up and give them to my friends as gifts.

Monica Chao

Chris' extensive knowledge of physiology has been a significant factor in improving my back pain and helping me build strength and flexibility."

Carol Cassara

The workouts always feel great - I always say that I feel like I got a massage afterwards.

Betsy Hicks

Frequently Asked Questions

You can do every exercise with no equipment, from wherever you are. Having said that, you can make every exercise more challenging by adding light dumbbells (optional).

Explore fresh workouts three times weekly, each lasting 45 minutes, and supplement your routine with a suggested 15-minute session on alternate days for a balanced fitness approach.

While gentle exercises and stretches can often alleviate back pain, improvement is not guaranteed; in rare cases, an underlying issue may be present. If no structural problems are found and the pain persists despite our efforts, we offer a refund guarantee.

Our program caters to participants of all levels. Each class is inclusive, featuring exercises demonstrated at various intensity levels by our trainer, ensuring suitability for everyone, regardless of their fitness expertise.

No equipment is necessary for the pain-free segment of our workouts; if you're experiencing back pain, you can start right away. Later, when you progress beyond the pain, incorporating light dumbbells for the strength exercises is optional and entirely up to you.

You Have Nothing To Lose

Try it free for a month. If it's not for you, no worries. If you like it, you just found your new thing.